Monday 8 October 2012

The Centurion (Hattersley, HYDE)

The centurion being built in 1964.

The Centurion was situated on Sandy Bank Avenue at the most westerly junction with Hattersley Road West. Built in 1964 it was a typical estate pub with a huge car park (about four times bigger than the car park of the opposite tower block). The pub like the estate went through its fair share of problems but one resident described the pub as "rough and ready". The pub closed in 1999 and was demolished later that year. Although planning consent was given for new housing in 2006 as part of a regeneration project (all the tower blocks bar one have been demolished) the site of the former Centurion is still vacant as of 2012.


  1. OMG, I've stood in that bus stop so many times, I was 13 when the pub was built, lived on the estate since I was 11

  2. wow spent some time in there underage drinking around 1980 ish

  3. To describe this pub as rough and ready is unfair I spent a lot of time in there between 1970 and 1980 and it was a great pub with customers of all ages and very little trouble a great community pub it's a pity there a not more pubs like this about now

    1. Yes, you're right, it was a good pub with very little trouble, I used it 68 to 77 ish

  4. Doe's anybody have a circa 1970 photo of Centurion pub, Hattersley
